Return & Refund Policy

Thanks for shopping at Gary’s Bikes.

If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help. Please call or text 801-900-7453 or or email to initiate a return. Following are the general guidelines we use for returns:

  • If the item was damaged during shipping, we will ask you for pictures of the damaged box or item, to process a claim with the shipping company. If the damaged item is a complete bicycle, we will pay to have it shipped back or have parts replaced at a local bike shop.
  • If you ordered the wrong item, we ask you to repackage the item and send it back in the same packaging and we will refund your full purchase price, less actual shipping costs.
  • If we shipped you the wrong item, we will ship you the correct item (if available) or provide a full refund once the item is returned. We will pay for return shipping costs.
  • If the item was picked up locally at our shop, we will provide a full refund for items returned in the same condition and packaging as they were received. If the item has been used, we will offer a negotiated refund based on what we believe the item is worth in its used condition.
  • Generally, all returns should be initiated within 30 days of purchase.
  • We encourage all customers to ask many questions prior to making a bicycle purchase and if possible ride the bike they are considering, plus other bikes, to make sure they are getting the right bike they will enjoy riding for years to come.